Avenged Sevenfold

Monday, November 24, 2008 | |

Avenged Sevenfold, What can I say. It was a shorter set because there were a bunch of bands playing. Bullet for my Valentine, Bless the fall...But none the less A7x Rocked the house. With their Jaunting and eerie guitar riffs, creepy video and a great finish with A Little Piece of Heaven. Hope you all get a feel of how it was to be there. Ciao

Lifetime of Skating

Saturday, November 22, 2008 | |

I got some pretty sick shots of these guys. They were skating thru out the whole day, It didn't matter these guys gave it their all and then joined up with Outcatbmx.com(below) a little bit later to turn the heat up. They were laying out 5 People on the ground and these people putting their full trust in these guys, proceeded to jump over in skates and bikes! they went up to 8! 8 People laying down on the ground with people going back and forth on Skateboards and BMX Bikes! it was amazing and amazing great time. Check Em out at BoardersforChrist.com or http://www.myspace.com/boardersforchrist and see when these guys or OutcastBMX.com is coming to your town next!!! Check out the rest of their pics at http://maviphotography.com/#gallery/Action/Boarders_For_Christ
pAz-have Blessed day

Friday, November 21, 2008 | |

What can I say about these guys, they were amazing! This was out in Frenchtown New Jersey. As you can see in the background they had bands playing thru out the day. OutCast Bmx were going back and forth non stop with Boarders For Christ which I'll post a lil later. Everyone enjoyed it, there were kids and adults watching as they would jump back n forth giong around in circles and what have you. Truly fun to watch and I respect these guys because this takes alot of time and determination, not to mention Sense of Direction. I think that's what these guys are all about and I hope I captured it well, check em out at OutcasBMX.com, OutCastBMX.blogspot.com also check out my webstie for some more incredible shots.

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Ok so we have Otto's Shrunken Head on lower East side New York.
538 East 14th
We had a Blast,For the most part we were just chillin with good ol King Babuu(shown below) till Fisherman(http://www.fishermansburlesque.com/music.htm) came out jamming on the vibes with the band. Everything was cool and pretty chill as the night went on. There was a Judging going on to induct the new beverage at the Tiki Lounge so I got some of the action.
You can also see some more at my site linked at the top of the page or http://maviphotography.com/#gallery/Events/Otto's_Shrunken_Head

Monday, November 17, 2008 | |

Hey Pa, Look at me Now!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008 | |

Adam and I out on 4th and Bowery...


Monday, November 10, 2008 | |

So Yea  these are some cute little chihuahua's.  Having the time of their live's playing with little plush toys.  I think the brown one kinda looks like a fox. enjoy!

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